Neil Brown Driving Tuition
Bay Park (Forward)
Choose a bay to drive forward into, in the diagram below, I have chosen the bay marked with the red X. Decide which bay to use early and leave yourself plenty of room.
The blue arrow shows your point of turn, use this as a reference point to help you decide where you will start to steer. Check your mirrors and watch for any oncoming vehicles, decide if you need to signal. Slow your car down to a slow walking pace and change your gear before starting to steer.
When it is safe, turn your steering wheel to full lock to the right.
Once your car starts to straighten up, take off the steering that you used to turn towards the bay by turning one and a half turns to the left.
Drive slowly forward into the bay, make sure you don't drive too far forward, use your door mirror as a reference point, your door mirror should be level with the end of the bay.
Reversing Out Of The Bay
Some car parks have more than one exit, others may only have one exit, there are also some car parks which operate a one way system. Use this information to help you decide which way you will steer when reversing out of the bay. Once you have decided which way to steer, prepare your car to reverse and make all round observations before moving off.
If there are no other cars parked beside your car, start to steer after the halfway point of the bay.
If there are parked cars, you will need to reverse further and steer later, your door mirrors should be passed the back of the parked cars, steer half a turn, once you are sure the front of your car won't touch the other cars, steer to full lock.
When you are safely out of the bay, check your mirrors for any following traffic and follow any arrows directing you out of the car park.