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Moving Off Safely

When you are moving your car away from a parked position, it is important to do so safely, this can be achieved by using the following steps - Prepare, Observe, Move off.

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Prepare - clutch down, select first gear, set the gas, ease the clutch up to the bite point, keep your feet still.

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Observe - look in your passenger door mirror, main mirror, road ahead, driver's door mirror, driver's blind spot.

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Move off - after your observations, decide if it is safe to move off, if it is safe, release the handbrake, ease the clutch up slowly, gently pressing the gas pedal to move the car off.

Stopping Safely

Stopping safely is achieved by using the following steps - Mirrors, Signal, Manoeuvre.

Once you have chosen a safe, convenient and legal place to stop.  You should using this routine to help you stop safely.

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Mirrors - check your main mirror, passenger side door mirror for any other road users.

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Signal - ask yourself, "will anyone benefit from a signal?", if yes, signal to the left, if no, a signal is not needed.

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Manoeuvre - Position closer to the kerb (without touching it), gently press the footbrake, press the clutch down to the floor, once stopped keep your feet still, put the handbrake on and select neutral, ease your feet from the pedals.

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